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čtvrtek 16. února 2012

Další knížka o podnikání a startupech, tentokrát LinkedIn

Dnes vychází knížka The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career, pod níž jsou podepsáni spoluzakladatel LinkedIn Reid Hoffman a „sériový podnikatel“ Ben Casnocha. Ještě jsem to pochopitelně nečetl, takže nevím, zda to bude zajímavá věc, nebo standardní podnikatelsko-optimistický blábol. Šance jsou, myslím, tak půl na půl. Ukázku z textu přináší dnes Al-Jazeera.
The best way to strengthen a relationship is to do something for another person. But how? Here's a good example. When Jack Dorsey was co-founding Square - the mobile-payments company - he had loads of investor interest. Digg and Milk founder Kevin Rose had seen a prototype of the Square device and immediately realised the potential. When he asked Jack whether there was room for another person to join the initial funding round, Jack told him it was full. But Kevin still wanted to be helpful. He noticed that Square didn't have a demo on its website showing how the device worked. So he put together a high-definition video and then showed it to Jack. Impressed, Jack turned around and invited Kevin to invest in the Series A round of financing.

To be truly helpful, as Kevin was, you need to have a sense of your friend's values and priorities. What keeps him up at 2 AM? What are his talents? His challenges? Once you understand his needs, think about offering him a small gift. A small gift is something that's easy for you to give, unique to the relationship, and unusually helpful for the other person. Classic small gifts include relevant information, introductions, and advice. A really expensive big gift is actually counterproductive - it can feel like a bribe. When deciding what to give, reflect on your unique experiences and capabilities. What might you have that the other person does not?
Mňo, jak říkají Amíci, to není zrovna raketová věda, že? Ale uvidíme.

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