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Zajímáte se přibližně o totéž co já? Dejte si svou denní dávku. ssssss
O67 | iCollege | KIT FIS VŠE Praha | iinfo
pondělí 5. března 2012
V jeden TED věřiti budeš
Giving a talk at TED, the technology journalist Steven Levy has written, is “a rite of passage for an Internet-age intellectual.Než něco stihnu napsat o sobotním pražském TEDx, tady je pěkný dlouhý článek o konferencích TED a o tom, zda je nebereme nějak moc vážně. Škoda, že jsem na to nenarazil o dva dny dřív, vytiskl bych si QR kód linku a v Divadle Archa bych jich pár pirátsky vylepil :)
The feeling that you may have just boarded a Scientology cruise ship is not accidental. It’s rooted partly in Silicon Valley’s techno-Rapturist soil, and partly in Anderson’s own evangelical yearnings. Those invited to speak at TED are mailed an actual stone tablet engraved with “The TED Commandments.” (One is “Thou Shalt Not Sell From the Stage.”) June Cohen, who runs TED’s media operation, told an audience two years ago that her sister-in-law calls the TED Talk “a secular sermon.” The atheist Daniel Dennett suggested that TED could “replace” religion, observing that it “already, largely wittingly I think, adopted a lot of the key design features of good religions,” including giving away content.Benjamin Wallace, New York Magazine: Those Fabulous Confabs
Jsme zboží, jsme jejich majetek, jsme komodita
"The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads," my old friend and early Facebook employee Jeff Hammerbacher once said.Výborný článek, nutno číst.
Alexis Madrigal, The Atlantic: I'm Being Followed: How Google—and 104 Other Companies—Are Tracking Me on the Web
Politicky nekorektní matematika
One problem, for example, had a tiger cooking Africans, Americans, and Indians in ovens.Účel světí prostředky, myslím, že to je účinný způsob, jak děti motivovat. (Na místě toho účinný bylo napřed slovo dobrý, ale zbaběle jsem si to rozmyslel.)
And here's another: "John's father gave him 1,359 marbles on his birthday. John swallowed 585 marbles and died. 9 of John's friends came for his funeral the next day. John's grieving father gave the remaining marbles to John's friends in equal numbers. How many marbles did each friend get?"
C|Net: Teacher allegedly gives kids gruesome math problems
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