Jestli jste jako já a obsedantně píšete seznamy, pak se vám tahle appka bude líbit. Ještě lepší alternativou je TaskPaper, ale taky o hodně dražší.
Workflowy is an elegant, effective to-do manager that has tons of features, but its beauty is the fact that it focused on entering and completing to-dos, not fiddling with settings and features to make it work. Workflowy for iPhone follows the webapp's lead too: adding, tagging, and organizing your to-dos into lists, projects, and even nested lists is quick and easy, and you can filter quickly by tag or zoom in on specific lists so you stay on task. Plus, any changes you make are automatically syned to your account, so you'll see them on your desktop or another device.Alan Henry, Lifehacker: Workflowy for iPhone Makes Your To-Do Lists Portable
Workflowy v App Store